Stay positive with hacks from the European (color) design team!

During these difficult times, it is more important than ever to stay positive. Our European Design Team & European Color Design Team members always try to think of a situation as a “glass half full” rather than “half empty”. Ijan Davies, Daniela Engström, David Murray and Katrina Kelly are more than happy to share the things they are doing to stay positive.

Ijan Davies

“My day begins at the same time every day and it’s a habit I like to keep. I drink half a liter of water and start organizing and planning my day… I always create a purpose and a goal each day.

I stay off social media for the first 90 minutes to 2 hours of my day, so I can connect and prioritize my family and myself. It gives a lovely flow to my morning.

Depending on my schedule and goals, I meditate between 10 minute and 30 minutes.

I practice gratitude, mindfulness and being in the moment and I appreciate all the people and wonderful experiences I have in my life.

I train daily, it could be a run or a workout in the garden. I love staying active & it’s where lots of my ideas germinate.

It’s good to make others feel good. I try to do some random act of kindness each day.

I have a healthy diet, but I still love the occasional treat. My guilty pleasure is ice cream or chocolate, sometimes both!

I stay off social media for the first 90 minutes to 2 hours of my day, so I can connect and prioritize my family and myself. It gives a lovely flow to my morning.

Depending on my schedule and goals, I meditate between 10 minute and 30 minutes.

I practice gratitude, mindfulness and being in the moment and I appreciate all the people and wonderful experiences I have in my life.

I train daily, it could be a run or a workout in the garden. I love staying active & it’s where lots of my ideas germinate.

It’s good to make others feel good. I try to do some random act of kindness each day.

It’s important to me to have a healthy sleep routine that I can stick to and get a good 8-hour sleep. I like to recount my day by writing in my journal, giving thanks for what I have experienced and noting what I could improve on.

I have a healthy diet, but I still love the occasional treat. My guilty pleasure is ice cream or chocolate, sometimes both!

It’s important to me to have a healthy sleep routine that I can stick to and get a good 8-hour sleep. I like to recount my day by writing in my journal, giving thanks for what I have experienced and noting what I could improve on.

It’s important to me to have a healthy sleep routine that I can stick to and get a good 8-hour sleep. I like to recount my day by writing in my journal, giving thanks for what I have experienced and noting what I could improve on.”

Daniela Engström

“I try to think positively and take care of myself. Going outside for walks clears my mind and I’ve started doing easy yoga in the mornings and also training in the gym!

Having my family close and doing things together like cooking, going for walks, and appreciating the small things. We all need each other more these days as life and the world are different! Do the things you love and that make you happy.”

David Murray

“Knowledge is power

Try to be as well informed as possible about the current situation and gather information from reputable sources like the Government and the Hairdressing Federation.

Mental distancing

Ignore negativity on social and other sorts of media, instead search out the uplifting stories as there are plenty of them out there.

Keep your mind active

Do those tasks that you complain about never having time to do. For instance, write out a plan for when you go back to work. Do you have all your training formats in place? If not, now is the perfect time to do so.

Keep your body active

Personally, I start the day with a run. It’s the best way to motivate me. It sets me up emotionally and physically to get the most out of my day. It’s not for everyone but some form of physical exertion in the morning is key to set the mood for the day.

“Knowledge is power

Try to be as well informed as possible about the current situation and gather information from reputable sources like the Government and the Hairdressing Federation.

Mental distancing

Ignore negativity on social and other sorts of media, instead search out the uplifting stories as there are plenty of them out there.

Keep your mind active

Do those tasks that you complain about never having time to do. For instance, write out a plan for when you go back to work. Do you have all your training formats in place? If not, now is the perfect time to do so.

Keep your body active

Personally, I start the day with a run. It’s the best way to motivate me. It sets me up emotionally and physically to get the most out of my day. It’s not for everyone but some form of physical exertion in the morning is key to set the mood for the day.


Not having a structure to your day isn’t good. We’re so used to having one set for us that the temptation to be completely free is strong however, too much free time can lead to low moments.


There is so much free online education out there at the moment. There is no excuse not to brush up your skills. Hairdressing is a passion for me, so I’m making sure to get my hands on mannequins whenever I can.

Stay in contact

Every day I touch base with my team. I find this such a big help as you never know when someone is having a bad day. By checking in every day, we help each other by just being there for someone.

Go outside

Getting out of your house is vital for your mental health. I guarantee that if you’re feeling down, if you just get outside for 30 minutes, you’ll be amazed how different you feel.


A great night’s sleep will do wonders for you. It’s tempting when you don’t have to set an alarm to stay up late and sleep in late, but having a good sleep routine is vital to a positive attitude. You just can’t function properly if you don’t have it.


Make sure to set aside time in your routine for fun - get outside with family, and enjoy this time together and see it as a blessing.”


Not having a structure to your day isn’t good. We’re so used to having one set for us that the temptation to be completely free is strong however, too much free time can lead to low moments.


There is so much free online education out there at the moment. There is no excuse not to brush up your skills. Hairdressing is a passion for me, so I’m making sure to get my hands on mannequins whenever I can.

Stay in contact

Every day I touch base with my team. I find this such a big help as you never know when someone is having a bad day. By checking in every day, we help each other by just being there for someone.

Go outside

Getting out of your house is vital for your mental health. I guarantee that if you’re feeling down, if you just get outside for 30 minutes, you’ll be amazed how different you feel.


A great night’s sleep will do wonders for you. It’s tempting when you don’t have to set an alarm to stay up late and sleep in late, but having a good sleep routine is vital to a positive attitude. You just can’t function properly if you don’t have it.


Make sure to set aside time in your routine for fun - get outside with family, and enjoy this time together and see it as a blessing.”

Katrina Kelly

“Allow yourself to feel. If you are having a bad day and you need to cry, then let it out and cry. Feel the emotion and then get dressed, do your hair, and your makeup.

Problems don’t exist in the present! Something that I’ve learnt that has really helped me, is understanding the difference between a problem and a challenge. I don’t see things as problems, I see them as challenges. I shift my mind to focus on the challenge ahead and instantly my mind starts to work on solutions.

Living in the present. Right NOW is where we are living and it’s all we have control over, not the past or the future. We can make plans for the future, of course, but what we are doing in the present is most important.

Gratitude. Every morning I say thank you. For a person, a place, and an inner gift that I have!”